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Summer intensive course
We look forward to welcoming all young people between the ages of 8 and 20 who would like to improve in dance, acting, and singing in our intensive summer courses in 2043!
Date: August 26-30.
Location: Jókai Klub (1121 Hollós út 5.)
Program: Every day 9:30-17:00 dance, singing and drama sessions with professional masters!
Price: HUF 59,000/person/5 days (lunch included.)
Deposit: HUF 20,000/person (non-refundable)
You can apply by filling out the registration form (Apply button) and transferring the deposit or the entire participation fee to the following account number: Indo-Selera Nonprofit kft. 10700244-46861209-51100005, remark: student's name, musical camp)
More info: +36 20 549 0893
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